VUPA Annual General Meeting - Your chance to get involved and see what we do!
VUPA holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year, usually in October or November to present to our members and funders our expenditure and profits, and to report on our activities. We also hold an election of new VU Postgraduate students to the VUPA executive committee. The AGM is a chance for postgrads to ask questions about VUPA goings-on, vote on important matters that affect the experience of VU postgraduate students, and advise VUPA on key areas that are important to postgrads.
Each year we invite anyone interested in joining VUPA, in any capacity from executive member to volunteer, to come along and nominate for a position. To do this, each nominee needs to present a 2 minute speech (no visuals) to all attending, outlining why they should represent the VU postgraduate community. Those attending AGM vote on who they would like to represent them. |
When: 6:00pm, 30th October 2020
Where: Virtual - online via Zoom -
Nominations: If you would like to nominate for a position, please contact [email protected] for more information and guidance, VUPA requires that you notify the committee of your intention to nominate by the 23rd October to be tabled into the agenda.
When: 6:00pm, 30th October 2020
Where: Virtual - online via Zoom -
Nominations: If you would like to nominate for a position, please contact [email protected] for more information and guidance, VUPA requires that you notify the committee of your intention to nominate by the 23rd October to be tabled into the agenda.