Victoria University Postgraduate Association (VUPA) strives to support, lead, advocate for and inspire current Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia) postgraduate students in order to build a more versatile and employable student alumni.
- helps future and current postgraduate students connect into the broader and official VU community and culture,
- assists to create and support a strong network between current and previous VU postgraduate students,
- provides both prospective and current student's support in finding university services they require lead,
- leads through inclusion, diversity, respect and by example,
- advocates for issues that affect postgraduates in matters regarding inclusion, diversity and respect,
- represents postgraduates on a range of internal university boards and committees including SSAF and the Student Union,
- runs and supports events and campaigns for the benefit and betterment of postgraduate students at the university level,
- works closely with the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) to communicate the interests and perspectives of VU postgraduate students, in alignment with our values, in order to influence the councils interaction with the Federal Government, Federal Opposition and minor parties, and higher education peak bodies.